How Long Does a Round of Golf Take?

Many golfers have been asked countless times by their spouses when their round will be over. It’s not a simple question though, despite what others may think.

For those looking for a specific answer, determining how long your round of golf will take can be tricky. While you may think it’s straightforward, there are a number of factors at play.

How long does a game of golf take?

Generally speaking, a round of golf takes 4 hours and 30 minutes. 

You get to that number with a pretty simple calculation. The USGA provides pace of play best practices to help steward quicker play, something we all can get behind.

Par 3Par 4Par 5
Groups of Three13 minutes15 minutes17 minutes
Groups of Two11 minutes13 minutes15 minutes

On a typical course there are four par 3’s, ten par 4’s and four par 5’s. In a group of three that equals 270 minutes.

Again, these are just estimates, there are a lot of other factors at play.

Pace of play factors determining how long a game of golf takes

  • How many players are in your group? As shown in the table above, the more players, the more time you can expect. This makes sense too. If you’re out there by yourself, it’s easy to just hit your ball and move on. There is no waiting for a partner to hit. Plus, half the number shots will be taken.
  • Are you walking or riding? It’s pretty obvious why riding in a cart would be quicker than walking. That said, if a course is “cart path only” on the day you play, you could end up taking longer than usual. For example if you hit the ball on the opposite side of the cart path all day, you’ll be stuck driving 100+ yards, then walking back and forth across the fairway to your ball.
  • What time of day are you playing? Early morning tee times tend to result in a quicker round. That’s not always the case, but it’s in part because the course hasn’t had an opportunity to get “backed up” yet. Think about it, the first group teeing off that day can play at their own pace. No one is in front of them. It’s not until a group is playing slower that backs up the course.
  • What day of the week are you playing? Weekend rounds are verifiably longer. There are more players on the course and tee times are usually much more booked out than during a weekday.
  • What is the skill level of each player? If you’re slicing the ball into the woods all day you’ll probably be spending a good amount of time looking for them. Opposed to a mid to low handicap golfer, who will be in the fairway all day going up and down the course, they’ll play much quicker. Additionally, higher handicap players will be taking exponentially more strokes than better players. All of that adds up, especially if there are multiple group members who aren’t very good. 
  • Which tees are you hitting from? Similar to the previous bullet, better players are hitting from tees further back. A longer course can make for a longer round. Sometimes golfers will play at the wrong tees too, causing the entire group to play slow. If you can’t make it off the tee into the fairway, hitting from the rough all day could make for a long round.
  • Is the course difficult? Look at the course slope to determine its difficulty, but as you would expect, a higher slope will result in a more difficult course and longer round. One group playing the wrong tees on a hard course can slow the round down for everyone playing that day.
  • At what interval are groups teeing off? Courses will schedule tee times in 8, 10 or 12 minute intervals. The shorter time in between groups means that the course expects holes to be completed that much quicker. If too little time is allowed between holes then the course can get backed up quickly.
  • What is the weather that day? Poor weather can cause difficult greens conditions. Conversely, humidity can cause the ball to travel further. Fast or slow greens conditions can make a huge difference in putting.
  • How many practice swings do you take? It may sound trivial, but you would be surprised how much time this can add to your round. Think about it. For every shot you take, you’re taking a practice swing or two or sometimes even three! Those all take time. If the group has multiple higher handicap players taking multiple practice shots and scoring 90+, it’s gonna be a long day.
  • Is there a concerted effort to move play along? Is everyone in the group conscious of how long they are taking? Are they looking behind them to see if the group one hole back is ready to tee off? Are you playing ready golf when there is no one on the hole in front of you? All of these things will help speed up the round.
  • Are people taking more than one tee shot? Everyone who golfs is guilty of taking a mulligan. They’re lying if they say otherwise. That said, groups who regularly take extra shots are slowing the course down.

All of these contribute to your round length.

A solo golfer, riding, during a weekday morning, in perfect weather on an easy course could finish their round in under 3 hours. In fact, I finished an early morning round by myself in about 2 hours and 30 minutes recently. I was definitely moving quickly.

A group of four high handicap golfers, walking, on a saturday afternoon, in poor weather on a hard course could finish their round in over 6 hours.

Those are both extreme examples, but now you can see why it’s not really a straightforward answer to how long a round takes.

Feel free to use those examples next time your spouse asks how long the round will be.

How long does it take to walk 18 holes of golf?

4.5 – 5


Generally speaking, walking 18 holes can take anywhere from 4 hours and 30 minutes to 5 hours. Keep in mind on longer courses, or on a hot day, you could start to slow your pace of play down. In turn you would play a longer round. 

Of course, you could walk 18 holes much quicker but there are so many factors at play. One slow group could throw these estimates out the window.

How long is it to golf 18 holes with a cart?

4 – 4.5


Under normal circumstances, riding 18 holes can take anywhere from 4 hours to 4 hours and 30 minutes. This doesn’t account for any of the factors covered earlier in the post, however, this is a good rule of thumb to plan around.

How long does it take to walk 9 holes?

2.25 – 2.5


Walking 9 holes can take anywhere from 2 hours and 15 minutes to 2 hours and 30 minutes under normal circumstances.

How long is it to golf 9 holes with a cart? 

2 – 2.25


On average, riding 9 holes can take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 hours and 15 minutes. Some can play even quicker depending on how good they are and course conditions that day. In fact, I’ve played 9 holes riding in under an hour and 15 minutes before, which was incredible time.

How many tee times are there per day?

There are a few factors at play in determining how many tee times are available each day, like the total time a course is open and how frequently tee times are scheduled.

For instance, some courses will start play as early as 6:30AM in the middle of the summer when the sun rises early in the morning. During the fall and spring, the sun rises later, so courses will be open for fewer hours resulting in less tee times.

All that said, every course is different.

On the low end a course could offer 48 tee times a day and on the high end 96. I would gather most courses fall in between that number.

It’s also worth noting that at member clubs, members are prioritized with early bookings. That would leave less tee times available to the public.

How much time do golf courses leave between tee times?

Most courses will schedule tee times every 10 minutes, but 7 to 15 minutes apart is not uncommon. This calculation is based on how long the course management deems a round should take. An average round is 4 hours and 30 minutes, which would equate to tee times every 15 minutes.